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  • Key considerations for building bifacial solar project | Antaisolar.com

Key considerations for building bifacial solar project | Antaisolar.com

February 25, 2022

Bifacial module technology has seen strong growth in recent years, with significant interest throughout the industry and many more product offerings available.

As we all know, the power generation of bifacial modules can use scattered light and emitted light of scattered light in addition to the surface reflected light of direct sunlight. Based on the power generation principle of bifacial modules, as an investor and developer of photovoltaic power plants, or want to build photovoltaic power plants with bifacial modules, the following design suggestions are worth looking at.

The power generation gain of the bifacial module can be roughly judged according to the surface albedo. The primary variable associated with bifacial gains is surface albedo, or the amount of solar radiation reflected by the ground (Stull, 1988). Surface albedo exhibits significant differences throughout regions and groundcovers, across the different seasons, and even throughout the day.

Surface Albedo: sand/concrete > land > grass > water, the approximate surface albedo is

1:Water surface: 5%~12%

2: Grass: 15%~25%

3: Dry land: 20%~23%

4: Cement floor: 20%~40%

5: Yellow sand: 20%~40%

6: Snow: 80%~85%

2: Avoid direct blocking of the back of the module by the solar bracket, otherwise it is recommended that the purlin of the bracket be at least 5cm away from the back of the module

3: Try to avoid the close impact of combiner boxes/string inverters and cables on the back of the module

4: When bifacial modules are installed at the optimal inclination on flat roofs, more than 10% power generation augment can be obtained by painting or laying high-reflectivity waterproofing membranes.

The above four points need to be considered when it comes to install a solar park. Besides, finding a solar racking provider with good expertise on designing optimal structure to obtain more power generation. Click more to find Antaisolar for more bifacial solar modules applied in the solar plants.
